Thursday, December 27, 2012

OMG!!!!!  2012 is nearly over and I have hardly been to this blog!!
But those I used to follow on blog have all been at it and I am feeling like a return is due.

I have been hitting up Facebook most of the time but it shits me most days, that alongside I am planning to make 2013 my bestest year yet, I'm thinking I may get back to blogging.

Let me know if your still out there?  I may have to redo the little reading list down the side.
Not sure whether to start a fresh new blog?

Hope your christmas was awesome and looking forward to your new year celebrations.
SHar x


Gillian said...

Hi Shar, glad to hear you are going to start blogging again:) Happy New Year!

Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Shar, hope you are having a good Christmas! Cheers, Charlotte

Liz N said...

ooh hello, look who turned up in my blog reader - very cool! Stay here ;)

Magda said...

I'm still here, still blogging and still reading my favourite blogs. It would be great if you got back into blogging Shar. I, too am planning to make 2013 a very happy and successful year for me.

Pip said...

Hi Shar! I have always loved your blog, - I find you so hardworking, fun and inspiring and I often check to see if you have updated :-) I have great plans for 2013 myself!

Maryanne said...

I'm here! :-)

Unknown said...

I'm still here :)

Anonimo said...

hey good job! i usually read your blog and it is so interesting!

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