Friday, April 8, 2011

Adapting to being mum of 4, new blog thanks and grateful in April

Hi all, so I was taking a break from blogging here but now Ive decided I have 2 blogs this one will as it says in the description more about my day to day mummy adventures and my other one, see right sidebar, is training / getting back into shape focused.

Firstly, Thanks to all those who e mailed me that wanted to read the other blog, its great to have your bloggy support :) Anyone else that wants to read, just e mail me at the address to the right.

So anyway, I'm slowly adapting to being a mum again, this time its very different for me in that theres not the big gap as is between the first 3 and Freddy and Archie are back to back.
It has been a tough week or so and Paul went back to work on Monday but actually since then I seem to have got into the swing of things and all is good so far.
Freddy is adapting well and has gone from not liking Archie crying and being a bit put out to giving him kisses and stroking gently, which is amazing for a just 1 year old that really doesn't understand what a new baby is. I must say I am glad the gap is no bigger as I wont get the jealousy or any of the behaviour changes that can sometimes come with that.

Archie is great, breastfeeding well and sleeping lots of course, he is back at birth weight already and is a very calm baby.

So with all the above said it is obvious what I'm grateful in April for, a healthy and happy family, a wonderful husband who is a wonderful dad.

Have a great day all.

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