So voting over!! A HUGE thank you, I had 27 people vote, how cool!
here's how we stack up -
Boy - 6 (22%)
Girl - 21 (77%)
A very definite % thinking/guessing Girl, Maddi and I - think its a girl, Paul and Bryce think Boy, although Bryce wants a boy not sure if he thinks it a boy!! :)
So in 5 hours I will know and as said before although it doesn't matter as long as all is well for bubs, I am very excited.
I have my usual Bodyattack this morning, still going although getting harder due to the intensity, impact and heat that I produce when doing it, I have rostered myself on for a few more weeks, until 21/22 weeks I think but may ask my cover instructors to step in a week or so earlier.
Then I will just do some jogging instead as I can control the intensity more than when teaching, I have to go for it as that's what the members want and expect.
All our launches are over now and the new chorie is well and truly cemented in the brain which feels good. I even did an extra Bodyattack launch this week, which was fun.
I am looking at my little calender thing on my sidebar and thinking maybe I should try and schedule a day where i do nothing!! Even Bodybalance (if done correctly!) is taxing and they are heading in a difference direction with that programme which is making it harder.
Anyways, will blog the result tomorrow maybe, all being well that the baby plays game, letting the sonographer between the legs to view!!
Have a great Saturday all
Shar xx
Hi Shar - how exciting! Thank you for the congratulations on our baby news :) I would love to find out the sex (being miss organised) but hubby doesn't want to find out - hmmm... still a while until that scan so maybe I can still convince him :) Good luck and can't wait to hear what your having!! I voted a girl :) Nicole xx
yays! How exciting :oD
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