Thursday, October 28, 2010

I forgot!

Thanks for the reminder Nicole, I had forgotten to post it here, I have had a mad week (thats another post) and totally forgot to blog it here!

Yes we had our gender revealing scan on Saturday gone and we are very blessed to be having another BOY!!!! So I am mum to 3 boys and 1 girl (princess!) AMAZING!!!

Here's a pic to prove it :) Looking up between the thigh bones......theres a doodle in the middle.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why do I let flies bother me so much??

So the change in weather has come in Perth and so with that comes the flies when I'm tryingt o get on with my powerwalk each day.

I cannot explain why the bother me so much!!!! Seriously I get really pi%#ed at them.

Why do they have to land on on my lips?
Then just up my nostril, then my eyelid, then sometime if they really wanna pi%# me they land right in the corner of my eye!!!!!

Anyway, had a great walk and I suppose th epositive of the flies is my heart rate goes higher from trying to wave my arm around getting them off me and the fact im all wound up at them!
BONUS - Extra fitness and calories :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

1 sleep & getting back on track

So the results of the poll show those that commented (thanks by the way!) think I may be having a girl, or have at least guessed girl :)
I must say I do feel Im having a girl too, I can truly say I have no preference, Im glad bubs is so far fit and healthy, but I am every excited to find out as I hate surprises and am sooooo impatient.

1 sleep til we have our scan on Saturday at 9am, I am not only excited to see what the result is but also the fact that we get to see the bubs.
When Preg and its a normal preg, you get your 12 week scan which you are relived about as unless you have alot of early symptoms and even those could have disappeared by 8-9 weeks it the first time you are reassured that there is actually a baby in there and its the first time you get to see bubs.
Then the next time is 20 weeks, 8 whole weeks later!! Unless your lucky and feel bubs early, at this stage you still want the reassurance everything is ok.
Then there are no more scans, but you get the doppler each ob/midwife visit and you hear heartbeat.
Im lucky enough that Paul has a client that's a Ob's Doctor so we will get a 'extra' scan at about 30 weeks.
Also I have hired a doppler for the next month so the kids can hear bubs and bond a bit and it helps me until the movement become regular and stronger.

Anyway, enough about bubs, onto my training and nutrition. As with Freddy's pregnancy I have bad Morning sickness and fatigue, this disappeared at about 10 -11 weeks, then I got sick with a bad cold and then cough which stuck around for 4 weeks. These two combined left me inactive and the MS had me reaching for whatever seemed to ease that which sometimes wasn't such great choices.

So my aim last week was to start with my powerwalking again and I got 3 in 2 x 4km's and 1 x 6km.
This week my aim was to clean up my nutrition a little and start to focus again on being prepared a bit more, focus on eating organic/free range and look at the different stages of preg and what bubs needs when.
Also to increase my exercise a bit more to at least 4-5 sessions per week.

I am please to report it is going well and I'm at 4 sessions, hoping to finish on 5 or maybe 6.
Nutrition is good and choices have been better although I refuse to give up my small serve of green and blacks each day and love having that with my cuppa in the evening :)
I will also not give up having a treat here and there when out with hubby, meeting friends for coffee etc.
My aim with regards to my weight is to keep my preg weight gain to the 'guidelines' like i did with Freddy but mainly this time it is to learn from my choices after bubs last time as this is when I saw some excess kilos load on for various reasons, lessons learnt.

Have a great weekend and I may pop on and reveal the colour of bubs once we have had the scan tomorrow!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random thoughts - Question time........

1) What should one call a male ladybird?

2) Do fish ever get thirsty?

3) Do you wake up or open your eyes first?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yes!! I'm done!..........

...........with my Group Fitness Managers job!! no maternity leave, finished! YAY!!

Never say never and I may be a GFM again one day but it will be a good 2-3 years at
a minimum and the way I am with it at the moment, I would say I wouldn't return.

Tomorrow see the kids back to school and loving routine, this suits me and Freddy just fine.
I am looking forward to getting settled back into my exercise routine, enjoying the spring weather with lots of outdoor activity and catching up with a few friends whilst my older ones are at school.

12 sleeps and we find out what sex bubs is!! So at the top I have put a poll like I did last year with Freddy.
We have Boy, Girl, Boy now, so just for fun (humour me!) what do you reckon this one will be??
If you have the time have a vote.

Shar x

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A busy week, Baby No.4 & my update

So the first week of kids holidays was a busy one.

Stated with a public holiday here in WA, which was great, an extended weekend with Paul and the kids.
Since Paul has been working full-time in the city weekends have become a bit more precious and I love it when we get to Friday's.
Maddi had a day out with her friend on Tuesday which she was excited about.

Wednesday we had Bryce playing away for the 14's WAFL Development Squad (made up of all the good players from the whole district).
He has been training with them since being put through by his coach and then on Monday we found out he made the final squad that would go on to play in the carnival through the holidays.
They won and he said it was a great experience although he was a little nervous. He has a game on Sunday which Paul will get to come to so that's good.

Here's a picture I took of him before the match, they have to go dressed in dress trousers, shoes and the Subiaco FC Polo shirt, he looked very smart and old!!!!!, still my baby though, I don't think he will ever be anything else :)

Maddi started in her new group at gymnastics on Thursday, she was excited as she has been working hard to make it to the next group. So 3 and a half hours of training later she came home shattered. Training today again, 4 hours this time, she will probably walk out asleep :)

As you can see from the picture of Freddy in my last post hes getting a big boy and I cannot believe he is over 7 months now. He got his two bottom teeth at 4 1/2 months which I think is early, I can't remember my other two having teeth that early, anyway the others have just come in a steady flow and hes got 5 now, the top ones look so cute when he smiles.

As for the bubs on the way, we had a scan a couple of weeks back and all is well. Growing strong and sitting on dates just nicely.
I have booked in (as we did with Freddy) for a 3d/4d scan in 3 weeks and will find out what we are having, some might remember I hate surprises so just have to find out, I also love bonding with bubs a bit more and also getting organised.

I did initially think we may be seeing another blue bundle on the way (had a feeling from the very first scan at 7 weeks) but now both Paul and I think we are having a girl. All exciting and it doesn't matter either way.

Here's a picture, back view of head and arm up waving :)

AFM - I'm a little frazzled if I'm honest, being pregnant whilst having a young baby (plus 2 others!) is tough but luckily Freddy is an angel. I do need to focus on getting a little more sleep, but I have been finding that by the time that everything is done in the evening and the kids are in bed I like to have a bit of chill out time rather than just fall into bed, I'll have to just find a balance, sit and chill for a set period of time and then make myself get up and go to bed.

I returned to my Part Time Group Fitness Managers job on August 1st, returning on flexible work arrangements, 2 club days when Paul could have Freddy and the rest from home. When I realised how easy Freddy was I started getting a bit fidgety and wanted to get my teeth into something again but i soon realised I have come full circle with that job, its not for me anymore, its a hassle not a love.
I also found working with a baby is not for us, well not working for someone else anyway, I am now looking into doing something from home, starting my own hobby/business etc, no rush though my time with Freddy is precious and even if I do start/find something it will allow me the best of both worlds.
So I am currently working my notice and finish next Sunday !! FOR GOOD, no maternity leave, finishing up for good, it feels great.

Anyway, that's about all my news, off to read some blogs that I need to catch up on.
Shar x