Friday, August 21, 2009

1 more day until I can ............

Its the Les Mills Perth Quarterly Workshops Saturday and Sunday and as usual I am in a highly stressed state and need to RELAX.
I will be able to chill out tomorrow from about 3.30pm and I can't wait!! I put so much on myself and end up as I am tonight, very tired, stress and worrying like hell.
I do love that I've worked hard to get where I am and I do enjoy it once I'm presenting but the lead up is very nerve racking for me, need to look into some ways to control that.
Am waiting to here if I'm in the line up for the next one in November, will be 26 weeks preggers then and perhaps don't wanna be stressing?
If there's any Les Mills class that I can do all the way through its Bodyvive and Bodybalance, so will wait and see if they want to use me, leaving it in the bosses hands.
Gonna teach all the way through on my normal classes, just maybe stop the presenting for LM for 2 quarters.
- Exercise been good all week started on clocking up and loggin my walking Km's, need to play catch up a bit next week me thinks, so I hit my target for August.
- Food been great, eating well & logging everything, I love being fully aware of what I'm eating, how I feel after certain foods and also knowing I am feeding bubba a full range of food types.
I do have a calorie range I am trying to stay between and this is working, as I set it realistically for my activity level, allowing I may be a little hungrier now I'm into 2nd trimester and bubs is about to start a growth phase.
- Only thing not great is my sleep and rest and relaxation, this will come automatically tomorrow!! :)
Anyways, have a great weekend all
See ya on the flip side :)

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