My mum and dad have arrived safe and sound from the UK, time for bubba to make an appearance!!!
Come on baby boy, come see your wonderful siblings, mumma, dadda and Grandparents!
Due date is here, will we be in the 5% that come on 'THE DAY'???
Highly unlikely but I can hope :)
Sending you smiles and lots of deep breaths for a great delivery xxx
Best wishes for a speedy labour and delivery
Wishing you a safe and speedy delivery girl x
Yes, hope it all goes smoothly and "by the numbers"
All the best Shar and looking forward to meeting your bubba boy :) Nicole xx
all the best Shar! hope your bubba boy arrives safe and sound. big hugs to mumma and baby when he comes xxx
Good luck Shar!! Thinking of you and sending all my warm wishes for the delivery :)
Vicki x
Good luck!!
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